A note from Talking Taiwan host Felicia Lin: My guest on this episode of Talking Taiwan, Lisa Cheng Smith, has channeled her love of Taiwanese food, cooking and premium ingredients into creating Yun Hai Taiwanese Pantry. Yun Hai sources premium ingredients for Taiwanese cooking, directly from artisans, farms, and soy
Talking Taiwan
is a podcast about the interesting people and stories connected to Taiwan and Taiwan's global community.
On Monday April 19, 2020 Talking Taiwan became the first podcast to cover a story of the latest NASA Mars Perseverance mission which made history with Ingenuity, the first aircraft humans have flown on another planet- Mars!
According to Listen Notes*, Talking Taiwan is now ranked in the top 5% of the most popular shows out of 2,438,656 podcasts globally.
Since our relaunch in January 2020, the variety of content and guests featured on the weekly Talking Taiwan podcast has captured an ever-growing fan base - and kept listeners coming back for more!
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episode 123
Ep 123 Dr. Karen Tsai
A note from Talking Taiwan host Felicia Lin:
This week’s episode features part two of my interview with Dr. Karen Tsai about her work with Donate PPE, a nonprofit that she has co-founded and that has raised over $150,000 to date. Read More
A note from Talking Taiwan host Felicia Lin:
With major league baseball playoffs soon upon us, we tthought that this episode might appeal to our baseball fans. It seems like a distant memory now, when about a month into the Coronavirus pandemic, Taiwan was the only place on the planet where live professional baseball was being played. My guest on this episode is Professor Andrew Morris whose research on baseball in Taiwan presents a fascinating new angle and way of seeing Taiwan’s history. Read More
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"We will create an outstanding podcast for you from the genesis of an idea, to a full debut roll out on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Radio Public, Google Podcasts, and others. Then we'll show you how its done."

W.Othello Wang - Doctor

Felicia + Talking Taiwan = Awesome
Thank You so much for having me as a guest on TT not once but twice! This was very fun: a cross between my life and pandemic psychotherapy. You made me feel important and relevant.
Abigail_SF - Best Selling Author

Great Conversations
Felicia asks such thoughtful questions and brings out many insights. Great listen!
GB Chen - Consultant

Great Taiwanese American Perspectives
Felicia is a generous interviewer who is unafraid to let her guests shine. The podcast isn't just about Taiwan, but about how the diaspora (and other diasporas) interact with America and also the world. This podcast is as refreshing as it is genuine.
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epISODE 108
Ep 108 Constance Parng
A note from Talking Taiwan host Felicia Lin:
Constance Parng, an actress, writer and healer who’s earned the title of Super Auntie to Native Nations of the Auntie Sewing Squad. Constance spoke with me about her work to support the highly vulnerable Native American communities and her connection to Taiwan. Through this conversation she reveals that the lack of access to basic things like running water and proper health care on reservations have deeply rooted origins. COVID-19 has exposed this reality that existed pre-pandemic. She hopes that bringing awareness to systemic injustices like this can lead to more people taking action to rectify the situation. Read More
Our Featured Episodes
A note from Talking Taiwan host Felicia Lin: May is Asian heritage month and Talking Taiwan was one of over 100 organizations and groups that participated in United We Stand, the 42nd Annual Asian Pacific American Heritage Festival, organized by CAPA the Coalition of Asian Pacific Americans. Usually festival is a
A note from Talking Taiwan host Felicia Lin: My guest on this episode is Eva Lou a writer and publisher and the founder of Madeleine Editions, a multi-lingual children’s book publishing company, that offers books in English, French and Mandarin Chinese. Madeleine Editions published Monster Dance, a children’s book created
A note from Talking Taiwan host Felicia Lin:The wave of Anti-Asian hate crimes over the past year have largely been attributed to blaming the Chinese for the spread of the Coronavirus. However, Asian Americans have experienced hate, social injustice and discrimination since they started immigrating to the U.S. I’ve invited
We want to share the true stories of Taiwan - in full color
We have a deep passion for everything Taiwan - from its complicated history, to its diverse diaspora, art and food culture, challenges of living, books and films, politics, and the most current breaking events.
Hear what they say about Talking Taiwan:

Great Conversations
Felicia asks such thoughtful questions and brings out many insights. Great listen!
Abigail_SF - NY Times Best Selling Author

W. Othello Wang

Felicia + Talking Taiwan = Awesome
Thank you so much Felicia for having me as a guest on TT not only once but twice! This was very fun: A cross for me between this is my life and pandemic psychotherapy. You made me feel important and relevant. Whatever the reality, I thank you for your open ended questions and the chance to improve my story telling with the aspiration that it may someday move things one direction or another. Being on your show also exposed me to your other interviewees. Thank you for bringing out their most interesting voices. Keep it coming.

Love for Taiwanese
Felicia dives deep. She is caring, thoughtful and open to the worlds that her interviewees inhabit. Had an amazing time being interviewed and felt as if talking to an old friend. Hearing some of the other untold stories of Taiwanese diaspora really gives me a sense of belonging and hope. Thank you Felicia and hope you keep up your amazing work!
J.Chew - Independent Filmmaker


Premier Taiwan coverage
Host Felicia is a very well-known figure in the Taiwanese American community who for nearly a solid decade has given immensely credible, balanced (not in the mass media’s both siderism manner rather an informed, empathetic one steeped in experience of the issues), trustworthy, and deeply informed coverage of all things Taiwanese. Whether it’s in the ancestral homeland or deep in with Taiwanese America or wider Taiwanese diaspora, her guests, topics, dialogues, and overall steering are so very wise and mind-expanding. I’ve listened for years in wonder of her coverage and recommend the same to you.

Taipei, Taiwan skyline at night.
Important and Timely
World change is accelerating, and Taiwan is becoming ever more salient and central to major events…whether its caught in the middle of the China-US trade wars, the pandemic (and seeing Taiwan’s effective response), and other geopolitical events such as the Hong-Kong / China issues (and Taiwan’s fear of being next). Talking Taiwan helps boil these major issues down with in-depth talks with the people at the heart of the issues, and is worth a listen.
Ping - Landscape Design

Travel Guide

VS and Auntie Sewing Squad!
Thanks so much for talking to me about the Auntie Sewing Squad and my film LOVE BOAT: TAIWAN. It was great to be on your show!

Super Interesting Interviews
This podcast does a really great job of 2 things: 1) getting interesting viewpoints that go beyond simple headlines and soundbites and 2) putting the spotlight on a criminally underrated country: Taiwan. Really worth a listen.
T for TW - Teacher

Transportation Manager

Where Taiwanese and American Meet
This is a unique podcast in the current landscape. Not just cultural, political, or personal in nature, this podcast is a meeting of all of the above. The most recent episodes I tuned into on raising “Blasian” children has perspectives from two Taiwanese mothers raising black children that I haven’t heard elsewhere. Felicia is a generous interviewer who lets her guests shine, really capitalizing on the podcast format to explore all the nuances and facets overlooked by larger outlets. A wonderful listen.

Engaging conversations re: Taiwan and diverse range of issues
Appreciate the deep dive into various topics, intersecting issues between Taiwan, China, America, etc. Also feature an interesting array of guests! Love Felicia’s style of conversation - very informative and entertaining.
G. Reloj - Philanthropist

GB Chen
Tech Consultant

Great Taiwanese American Perspectives
Felicia is a generous interviewer who's unafraid to let her guests shine. This podcast isn't just about Taiwan, but also about how members of this diaspora (and other diasporas) interact with America and also the world. My favorite episode is the one of two Taiwanese American mothers raising Black children. It is a nuanced conversation that dives below the usual talking points. This podcast is refreshing as it is genuine.

Highlighting Importance of Taiwan
If you want to see what Taiwan and Taiwanese / Taiwanese-Americans are up to, definitely keep up with this podcast! Lots to appreciate and learn!
The Lintet - Taiwan Jazz Musical Artist

AD Morris
Taiwan Baseball Historian

Great podcast for anyone interested in Taiwan!
‘Talking Taiwan’ is an excellent podcast dedicated to investigating every element of Taiwan politics and culture, including the Taiwanese diaspora community. Host Felicia Lin does a wonderful job and is very well prepared for every interview. I have learned a lot from her and the experts from seemingly every conceivable field that she talks to. Keep up the good work!!

Explore the Depths of Taiwan
Talking Taiwan is a podcast that delves deep into the society, the culture, the politics, the entertainment, the food, and the latest news affecting everyone with an interest in Taiwan.
Author Felicia Lin delivers the important questions that we all seek answers to about everything related to Taiwan. She always interviews a wide variety of interesting guests from best selling authors, to film makers, to politicians, to clinicians, to culinary experts and more who represent the vanguard of Taiwan.
Her current 2020 series interviewing experts on the frontlines of recent pandemics on Ebola and the COVID-19 virus as it relates to Taiwan are thought-provoking and cutting edge.
This is a highly inspiring, insightful, and educational listen for anyone - not only for native Taiwanese, expats. or Taiwanese Americans- but for anyone who has an active interest in the interesting people and events related to Taiwan. A podcast not to be missed.
Rad-Jet- Artist


Diverse Topics
Wonderful listen of relevant topics related to the Taiwanese community in a relaxed style.

A Podcast Voicing Discussions We Need to Hear
I love ep 74 with Peer Lin. I’m not a musician, but I found this conversation very useful for all creative people who are currently in an unprecedented situation. What’s especially interesting to me is how much online presence has become a norm. Of course, no technology can replace a live concert in a concert hall, or a visit to an art gallery in a foreseeable future. Still I think something new and interesting will come out of all of this.
Still artists still need to make a living. When Felicia Lin asked questions about an artist’s income, Peter Lin provided a list of support programs, and grants online that musicians and artists can apply for. We need more discussions like this.
G.Mad- Curator


So glad these conversations exist!
A great place to come for stimulating dialogue and learning something new!

Interesting interviews!
It’s great to hear stories from an Asian and Asian American perspective. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Felicia’s interviews with some fascinating people.
ACNYC 1 - Hospitality Manager

Medical Equipment Sales

Underrated hidden gem
One of the most underrated hidden gem in podcasts regarding Taiwan. Felicia went to great length to bring the real Taiwan to her listeners and fans worldwide. For those who grew up abroad, this is one of the most down-to-earth way to get to know Taiwan, and for those of who emigrated from Taiwan, this podcast is a good one to remind and help them to keep up with what’s happening.

Really enjoy all the episodes
Love all the topics that has been discussed in Talking Taiwan!
NY Podcasts - Taiwan Multi-media

Kuan Yin Lotus

Great podcast!
Felicia and her guests touch on important social issues happening both in the US and Taiwan. There was also a podcast on a sabbatical leave adventure to Taiwan. It’s great!!

Celebrating Connections to Taiwan
Talking Taiwan explores a number of interesting topics. It’s exciting to discover the diversity and the accomplishments found within the Taiwanese community. An impactful and educational podcast.
JC Listens- Activist

Urban Explorer

Dive deeper into Taiwan
Eclectic mix of guests and a deep dive in the issues and culture that make this country unique. An emerging new voice and fresh perspective.

Amazing Podcast
Amazing podcast. Really enjoy listening to it, love the variety of people that come on!
LOL123556 - Farcicist

Talking Taiwan Success Stories
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Find us here: New York, NY
Email: talkingtaiwanpodcast@gmail.com